Buddhist Philosophy (Lamrim Introduction)

The Stages of the Path to Enlightenment

Ticket price: $110 plus $25 book purchase – partial & full scholarships are available if needed


Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:30, March 12 to May 7 (no class on April 8)


Center Space
St Andrews Center, 1918 Union Avenue, Chattanooga

  • 9-week course in Buddhist Philosophy focused on the lamrim teachings
  • Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:30 PM, March 12 to May 7, plus one weekend afternoon TBD (no class on April 8)
  • At Center Space, in St Andrews Center, 1918 Union Avenue, Chattanooga TN 37405
  • Tuition $110 + $25 book (book is required, includes postage)
  • NOTE: partial and full scholarships for tuition are available if needed – please email contact@paramitacentersoutheast.org

Lamrim (ལམ་རམ་ – Tibetan for “the stages of the path to enlightenment”) originates from the teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni. In the eleventh century, the great Indian saint, Atisha, committed the teachings to writing in a very clear and well-structured text, Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment. The text remains widely read today and holds an important place in all Tibetan Buddhist traditions. It is a precise, step-by-step explanation of the entire teaching of the Buddha. Later, the famous Tibetan pioneer, Je Tsongkhapa, provided a more detailed commentary.

Today, this text has become very popular because it allows Westerners to receive a teaching that is at once concise, complete, and practical. Its exceptional clarity makes it easy to understand and it facilitates study and meditation. Because of the hectic pace of modern life, it is difficult to undertake years of Dharma studies as do the students at monastery. For this reason, the Dalai Lama as well as the great masters prefer this text to any of the others. In our course, we will be using Lama Samten’s book, The Essence of the Path to Enlightenment, which closely follows and gives commentary on Atisha’s text. Our course of study will follow this outline:

  1. INTRODUCTION TO THE STAGES OF THE PATH (the excellence of the teacher and the teaching)
  2. THE ACTUAL PRACTICE OF THE STAGES OF THE PATH (the 6 preliminaries, the spiritual guide, and understanding the extraordinary opportunity of a life that allows us to practice)
  3. The stages of the path shared with practitioners of the small scope (impermanence, karma, and refuge)
  4. The stages of the path shared with practitioners of the middle scope (the 4 noble truths, the 12 interdependent links, and renunciation)
  5. The stages of the path shared with practitioners of the great scope (the benefits of bodhicitta and great compassion, the methods to develop bodhicitta, lojong – mind training, the six perfections, and a brief introduction to the vajrayana)

Note : We give our courses live, because there is more benefit to receive it this way, rather than simply listening the recordings. We usually record the course, but give it only on requests for people who want to listen a second time or for exceptional situations where a course has to be missed. We also really love to see you during the courses, so we encourage you open your camera if you are online and are comfortable doing so, and we are delighted if you can join us in person.

Vulture Peak Cave